Friday, September 21, 2012

In The Beginning

The concept of nothing, absolutely nothing, is not something that we can comprehend.  No land, no water.  No light, no air.  No time?  Complete nothing, except God.  Only God.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." - Genesis 1:1-2

Here is where the conversation of liturgy begins, in the beginning.  Before all things were, God was.  But things didn't stay that way:

"And God said..."

...and so progressed the wholeness of the world; every living thing brought into existence by the very words of God.  Genesis describes the creation account in full, and from that time all of creation has been declaring the glory of God.

When we come to worship, we acknowledge this as well.  Before anything happens in worship, or even in life, we acknowledge that it is first and foremost God that speaks; it is God that initiates worship.  None of it would even be possible without Him.

As we come into worship this week, what would it look like if we recognized God as the beginning of it.  How would our hearts and minds change if we acknowledged that church isn't just something that we are doing on Sunday morning because its what we've always done, but rather something that we do because God Himself has called us to it?

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